Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

1540 EWYTTSON William Will 1541-3/57

Summary of Archival Record for: William Ewyttson

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Document Information

Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Will 1541-3/57
Document Type: Will
Parish: Sutterby
Document Subject: William Ewyttson
Date of Document: 1540

Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)

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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Will 1541-3/57

Will, William Ewyttson of Sutterby, January 1540

Classical Transcription

Testam(ent) William   1.   In the name of god Amen the ix day of Januarij

Ewytson                        2.   in the yere of our lorde god a(nno) ccccc and xlti  1

  1.    Will(ia)m ewyttson of Sowtt(er)be hole of mynd and good
  2.    remembrance dothe make my testament and last
  3.    Will in th(is) man(ner) of forme foloinge in the fyrst I
  4.    bequethe my Soule to god almyghty and to our
  5.    Lady Saynt mary and to all the Sayntes of hevyn
  6.    and my body to be buried in the churche yerde
  7.    of Sowtt(er)be and th(at) thyng that the lawe will to be
  8. my mortuary also I bequeth to our ladys Warke
  9. of lincoln iiij d. also I bequethe to the hye alt(ar) of Sowt(er)be
  10. for tithes forgotten yf any suche be iiij d. also I be
  11. quethe to the said churche of Sowtt(er)be iiij d. also I be
  12. queth to annes my wyffe iij kie of the best and vij
  13. shepe and ij horsse also I bequeth to Robert my
  14. sone a kowe and a stere and a yonge mare also
  15. I bequeth to margaret my dowght(er) a red ster
  16. nyd cowe a bedd and a brasse potte also I be
  17. quethe to Jenet my dowght(er) a blake sternyd
  18. cow and a bed also I bequeth to ellyn <helene> my
  19. dowght(er) a reid dovyd cowe qwie also I bequeth
  20. to annes my wiffe all my crope th(at) I have to

Will, William Ewyttson 1541-3/57 Classical Transcription continued/2

  1. fynd my chyldren w(i)th all to mayday and to sawe
  2. the land w(i)th all agane and th(en) I will that she
  3. shall gyve to alexand(er) my sone iiij seme of the
  4. said corne to sawe his seid wi(th) all the next yere
  5. aft(er) also I will that annes my wyffe and alexand(er)
  6. my sone th(ia) to have the residwe of my goodes nott
  7. bequethed nor gyven I will th(at) th(ia) doo pay my
  8. dettes and fulfill my will th(ia) to be my executores
  9. and disspose the residwe for the helth of my soule
  10. and all crysten soulles  Thes being wittness
  11. thomas cardon p(ar)son ewthus dawson John grundm(an)
  12. Ric(hard) febe w(ith) other moo
  13. Probatim et al Spillisby
  14.                         iij die maij anno d(o)m(ini)    1542













                        Lincoln, Lincolnshire Will 1541-3/57

Will, William Ewyttson of Sutterby, January 1541


Testament William     1.  In the name of God Amen the 9th day of January

Ewyston                      2.  in the year of our Lord God anno 15 hundred and 40 first I

  1. William Ewyttson of Sutterby whole of mind and good
  2. remembrance do make my testament and last
  3. Will in this manner of form following in the first I
  4. bequeath my soul to God Almighty and to Our
  5. Lady Saint Mary and to all the Saints of Heaven
  6. and my body to be buried in the churchyard
  7. of Sutterby and that thing that the law will to be
  8. my mortuary also I bequeath to Our Lady’s work
  9. of Lincoln 4d. also I bequeath to the High Altar of Sutterby
  10. for tithes forgotten if any such be 4d. also I be-
  11. queath to the said church of Sutterby 4d. also I be-
  12. queath to Annes my wife 3 quie of the best and 7
  13. sheep and 2 horses also I bequeath to Robert my
  14. son a cow and a steer and a young mare also
  15. I bequeath to Margaret my daughter a red ster-
  16. nyd cow a bed and a brass pot also I be-
  17. queath to Jenet my daughter a black sternyd
  18. cow and a bed also I bequeath to Helene my
  19. daughter a red dovyd quie also I bequeath
  20. to Annes my wife all my crop that I have to

Will, William Ewyttson 1541-3/57 Translation continued/2

  1. fund my children withal to May Day and to sow
  2. the land withal again and then I will that she
  3. shall give to Alexander my son 4 seams of the
  4. said corn to sow his seed withal the next year
  5. after also I will that Annes my wife and Alexander
  6. my son they to have the residue of my goods not
  7. bequeathed nor given I will that they do pay my
  8. debts and fulfill my will them to be my executors
  9. and dispose of the residue for the health of my soul
  10. and all Christian souls These being witness
  11. Thomas Cardon Parson Ewthus Dawson John Grundman
  12. Richard Febe with other men
  13. Probatim et al Spilsby
  14. 3rd Day of May Anno Domini 1542