1546 EST Jenytt INV 14/252
Summary of Archival Record for: Jenytt Est
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Document Information
Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 14/252
Document Type: Inventory
Parish: Sutterby
Document Subject: Jenytt Est
Date of Document: 1546
Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)
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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 14/252
Inventory, Jenytt Est of Sutterby 15 June 1546
Classical Transcription
- Thys ys the true Invitorie off all the gudes off Jenytt
- est off Soutt(er)be Indentede and mayd the xv day off June
- June in the ӡere off ow(r) Lorde god a thowsand ccccc and xl
- vj prayd by iiij In defferent men
- In p(r)imis on copule off oxen & a copule off Sterys iiij li
- Item vij keyes & ij qweys v li
- Item ij marys a ij folys & stirke xl s vj s et viij d
- Item xviij Sechepe xl s
- Item iij calwys v s
- Item iiij haldyng swyne iiij s
- Item The walue off the crope iij li vj s et viij d
- Item a wane & a plowght and thynges p(er)teny(n)g to tham vj s et viij d
- Item The Rament p(er)tenyng to hyr body xiij s et iiij d
- Item all the ucyllme(nt)s belongyng to the howse xl s et xiij s et iiij d
- S(u)m(ma) totalis xx li ij s and iiij d
- M(emoran)d(um) that thys be the dettes I do hawe iij li
Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 14/252
Inventory, Jenytt Est of Sutterby 15 June 1546
- This is the true inventory of all the goods of Jenytt
- Est of Sutterby indented and made the 15th day of
- June in the year of our Lord God a thousand 5 hundred and 40
- 6 appraised by 4 indifferent men
- Firstly a couple of oxen and a couple of steers £4
- Item 7 kine and 2 quies £5
- Item 2 mares and 2 foals and stirk 46s. 8d.
- Item 18 sheep 40s.
- Item 3 calves 5s.
- Item 4 holding swine 4s.
- Item the value of the crop £3 6s. 8d.
- Item a wain and a plough and things pertaining to them 6s. 8d.
- Item the raiment pertaining to her body 13s. 4d.
- Item all the hustlement belonging to the house 40s. 13s. 4d.
- Sum total £20 2s. 4d.
- Memorandum that this be the debts I do have £3