Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

1546 EWYTSON John Will 1545-46/1/68

Summary of Archival Record for: John Ewytson

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Document Information

Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives Will 1545-46/1/68
Document Type: Will
Parish: Sutterby
Document Subject: John Ewytson
Date of Document: 1546

Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)

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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives Will 1545-46/1/68

 Will, John Ewytson of Sutterby, 15th June 1546

Classical Transcription


  1. Agneth 1.   In the name off God Amen the

Ewytson de     2.    xv day of June in the yere of o(u)r lorde god m1 ccccc

Sutterbye        3.    xlvj Johanes Ewytson off Sutterby holle of myde

  1.   and of gudd remembrannce dothe make this my
  2.   Laste will in this man(ner) of forme folowing fyrst I
  3.   bequethe my soule to god almyghtie and to o(u)r lady
  4.   sent mary and to all the holy company off
  5.   heven and my body to be buried in the
  6.     churche yarde of Sutterby Also I bequethe to
  7. o(u)r Lady workes of Lincoln iiijd Also I bequeth to the churche
  8. of Sutterby vjd Also I bequethe to the hey all yf for
  9. tythes forgotten yf any suche be iiijd Also I bequeth
  10. to alison alexander my sonne all my Lande w(i)t(h)
  11. in the towne and feildes of Sutterby yf that
  12. the said alexander do sell the said Lande then
  13. yt ys my will that ev(er)y one of my childer
  14. have even Lyke porcions of the money Also I
  15. bequethe to alexander my sonne one burling
  16. and the beste yowe that I have and one acar of
  17. barlee sowne to his hande Also I bequethe to Rob(er)t
  18. my sonne one oxe one mere and A bras pott
  19. the next beste and I will that he have all my
  20. crope to releve my childer w(i)t(h) all Also I will that
  21. Rob(er)t my sonne have my blacke chiste and one
  22. matterys ij pewter dyshes all my swyne and
  23. gese and my pullen to fynding of theh howse
  24. Also I bequethe to Helene my daught(e)r one rede
  25. doved [sic] quey A rede chiste and one brass pott the beste

LCC Will 1545-46/1/68 – John Ewytson Classical Transcription Continued/2

  1. and a rede panne and my beste puter dyshe
  2. and other too pewter dyshes one chaffer one
  3. matterys and one Lyn(en) shete and too hardyn
  4. shettes too pillowes one towell and one bolst(er)
  5. and my chare Item I bequethe to alice fobbe
  6. A sheder hogge and one posnett Also I bequeth
  7. bequethe to John(athan) my sonne one wether hogg
  8. and halff A seame of barlee Also I bequeth
  9. to m(ar)garete my daught(er) xxd The resedewe
  10. of my guddes nott bequeste nor gyven I will
  11. that alexander and Rob(er)t my sonnes they to
  12. be my executors to fulfill my will and
  13.   pay my dettes and they to dispose the resedew
  14. for the healthe of my soule and all crystyn
  15. soulles also I bequethe to s(ir) Thomas Cardon the p(ar)son
  16. iijs for his labor to se my will fulfilled iijs iiijd thes
  17. Wytnes Will(ia)m Newton Richard warde will(ia)m
  18. hall Randall Robynson w(i)t(h) other moo
  19. Probatim et al    Sexto die mensis July Anno d(o)m(ini)
  20. xlvj  Spillisby












Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives Will 1545-6/1/68

 Will, John Ewytson of Sutterby, 15th June 1546


T.Agneth         1.   In the name of God Amen the

Ewytson de     2.   15th day of June in the year of our Lord God 1500

Sutterby          3.   46 John Ewytson of Sutterby whole of mind

  1. and of good remembrance do make my
  2. last will in this manner of form following first I
  3. bequeath my soul to God Almighty and to Our Lady
  4. Saint Mary and to all the holy company of
  5. heaven and my body to be buried in the
  6. church yard of Sutterby Also I bequeath to
  7. Our Lady’s works of Lincoln 4d. Also I bequeath to the church
  8. of Sutterby 6d. Also I bequeath to them all for
  9. tithes forgotten if any such be 4d. Also I bequeath
  10. to Alexander my son all my land with
  11. in the town and fields of Sutterby if that
  12. the said Alexander do sell the said land then
  13. it is my will that every one of my children
  14. have even like portions of the money Also I
  15. bequeath to Alexander my son one burling
  16. and the best ewe that I have and one acre of
  17. barley sown to his hand Also I bequeath to Robert
  18. my son one ox one mare and a brass pot
  19. the next best and I will that he have all my
  20. crop to relieve my children with all Also I will that
  21. Robert my son have my black chest and one
  22. mattress 2 pewter dishes all my swine and
  23. geese and my pullen to finding of the house
  24. Also I bequeath to Helene my daughter one red
  25. doved [sic] quey A red chest and one brass pot the best


LCC Will 1545-46/1/68-John Ewytson Translation Continued/2

  1. and a red pan and my best pewter dish
  2. and other two pewter dishes one chafer one
  3. mattress and one linen sheet and two harden
  4. sheets two pillows one towel and one bolster
  5. and my chair Item I bequeath to Alice Fobbe
  6. a sheeder hog and one posnett Also I
  7. bequeath to Johnathan my son one wether hog
  8. and half a seam of barley Also I bequeath
  9. to Margaret my daughter 20d. The residue
  10. of my goods not bequeathed nor given I will
  11. that Alexander and Robert my sons they to
  12. be my executors to fulfil my will and
  13. pay my debts and they to dispose the residue
  14. for the health of my soul and all Christian
  15. souls also I bequeath to Sir [sic] Thomas Cardon the parson
  16. 3s for his labour to see my will fulfilled 3s4d these
  17. witnesses William Newton Richard Ward William
  18. Hall Randall Robynson with other men
  19. Will proven 6th day July 1546
  20. at    Spilsby