Spirit of Sutterby

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Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

1583 DAWSON John Will 1583-234

Summary of Archival Record for: John Dawson

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Document Information

Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives Will 1583-234
Document Type: Will
Parish: Sutterby
Document Subject: John Dawson
Date of Document: 1583

Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)

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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives Will 1583-234

Will, John Dawson of Sutterby 14th March 1583

Classical Transcription

Johannes  1.         In the name of god Amen the xiiijth daie of marche in the

Dawson    2.         yeare of o(ur) lorde god 1582 1583 and in the xxvjti yeare of the

  1. Reigne of o(ur) Sov(er)aigne Lady Quene Elizabeth, I John Dawson
  2. of Sutterby in the county of Lincoln yoman being (god be praised
  3. of whole and p(er)fecte memorye thoughe sicke in body doe make
  4. ordeyn and declare my last will and testament in manner and
  5. forme folowing ffirst I bequeathe my sowlle to almightie god
  6. and the celestiall company and my body to be buryed in the churche
  7. of Sutterby aforesaid w(i)th that the lawe requireth for my
  8. mortuary, Item I geve to the Churche of Sutterby towards
  9. the repaire therof xs  Item I geve to eny pore howseholde
  10. in Sutterby aforesaid xijd  Item I geve to the cathedrall
  11. Churche of Lincoln xijd  Item I geve and bequeathe to
  12. James my eldest all my landes tenementes and hereditamentes
  13. w(hi)ch I purchased in Sutterby To have and to holde the same
  14. to him and to his heyres forever upon this condicon, that he
  15. shall within a convenient tyme after my deceasse, convey
  16. and assure unto Thomas Dawson my yongest sonne all the
  17. p(ar)te and porc(i)on w(hi)ch he sholde or oughte to have of those
  18. landes in Saltfletby w(hi)ch were the inheritance of his mother
  19. And also confirme and assure in wryting w(i)thin a lyke

 Will 1583-234 John Dawson  Classical Transcription continued/2

  1. convenient tyme after my deceasse to Christofer will(ia)m
  2. and Thomas my sonnes all suche guiftes legacies & bequestes
  3. as I shall by this my last will and testament make geve
  4. or bequeathe to any of them of any other my landes ten(emen)tes and
  5. hereditamentes, And if it shall happen my said sonne James
  6. to refuse to doo and make the assurainces & confirmac(i)ons
  7. aforesaid in manner and forme before expressed then I will that
  8. my said sonne Thomas shall have the same landes before
  9. mencioned to him and to his heyres forever Item I geve to
  10. Christofer my sonne all my landes ten(emen)tes and hereditamentes
  11. in Sleckholme To have and to holde the same to him and to his
  12. heyres for ever upon this condic(i)on that he shall at his full
  13. age of xxjti yeares geve and assure unto my said sonne Thom(a)s
  14. all his p(ar)te and porc(i)on of those landes w(hi)ch were his mothers
  15. Inheritance, Item I geve to will(ia)m my sonne all my landes
  16. ten(emen)tes and hereditamentes in Slootheby To have and to holde
  17. the same to him and to his heyres forever upon the like condic(i)on
  18. as before that he shall geve and grannte at his full age of
  19. xxjti yeares to my said sonne Thomas, his p(ar)te and porc(i)on of
  20. the said landes w(hi)ch were his mothers Item I doe geve and
  21. bequeathe unto Thomas Dawson my yongest sonne all those
  22. landes ten(emen)tes and hereditamentes in Saltfletby w(hi)ch were the


Will 1583-234 John Dawson  Classical Transcription continued/3

  1. inheritance of his mother To have and to holde the same to
  2. him and to his heyres forever, Item I doe geve to my said
  3. sonne Thomas xxs by yeare to be paid unto him out of the
  4. lande w(hi)ch I bought of Thomas Carter, during his natural
  5. life, at the feastes of Phillip and Jacob and Saint michaell
  6. the archeangell yearly by even porc(i)ons And if my said
  7. sonne James or his heyres shall refuse to paie the said xxs
  8. by yeare in manner & forme aforesaid, then I will that the
  9. sayd Thomas my sonne shall have all the same landes wholy
  10. to himselfe during his lief: Item I geve to my said
  11. sonne Thomas thirty poundes in money, and I will that the same shall
  12. w(i)thin a convenient tyme after my deceasse be paid to the handes
  13. of my sonne in lawe will(ia)m veroo who shall have the custody
  14. of my said sonne Thomas and of his said porc(i)on & the proffit
  15. of his lande and the said ann(u)ytie untill his age of xxti yeares
  16. And he shall for the same bring him up at scoolle and shall
  17. put in bonde to my brothers Thomas dawson and Christofer
  18. purrell for the true payment of the said xxxli according to
  19. the meaning of this my last will and testament, Item I geve
  20. and bequeathe to my sonne will(ia)m xxli in money to be paid
  21. unto him at his age of xxti yeares, and also one chalder of
  22. barley to be paid at the age aforesaid Item I geve to my said


Will 1583-234 John Dawson  Classical Transcription continued/4

  1. will(ia)m as muche woodde good for building as will serve to builde
  2. him a howse of twoo baies w(hi)ch I will shall be of the
  3. woodde growing on my grounde in Sutterby and my sonne
  4. James shall geve him the same without charging my sonne
  5. Christofer as executore to deliver or paie any p(ar)te of the same
  6. Item I geve and bequeathe to James my eldest sonne all my
  7. tubbes fattes hareclothe and other thinges necessary and used
  8. about my kylne, and all my corne sowen or to be sowen before
  9. maiday Item I geve to Christofer my sonne all my woodde
  10. lying under the belfrey at the haie Lathe ende and my best
  11. graie nagge, Item I geve to Johan my serv(a)nte a whyte
  12. flecked qwye of thre yeares olde that is amonge my kyne
  13. and a petycote, Item I geve to my said sonne Christofer all
  14. my best appairaille, and I will that all my clothe uncut bothe
  15. woollen and lynnen shall be equally devided among my children
  16. Item I geve to my doughter Anne one cheste that was her
  17. mothers and all thinges in the same saving a rynge and the best
  18. gowne and best petycote that was her mothers: It(e)m I geve
  19. to Anne my brother Thomas doughter a good ewe Item
  20. I geve to Skipw(i)th wief of Sutterby a gowne that was
  21. my wiefs: Item I geve to Roberte Ibyson my gossip a
  22. bushell of barlye: Item I geve to Cullyton haven vjd


Will 1583-234 John Dawson  Classical Transcription continued/5

  1. Item I geve to Robert Clarke my russet hose and my
  2. worse frese cote and to Robert Longe my russet Jerken
  3. Item I geve to John Page a shepe Item my will & meaning
  4. is that if any of my sonnes Christofer will(ia)m & Thomas
  5. shall dep(ar)te this lief before their sev(er)all ages of xxti yeares
  6. that then his or their p(ar)te and porc(i)on so dying shall remayn
  7. to the Survivore or survivores of them Item I geve
  8. to will(ia)m veroo my sonne in lawe my Cowe that is at prestmans
  9. All the residewe of my goodes and cattelles not given nor
  10. bequeathed I geve unto James and Christofer my sonnes
  11. whome I make the executo(r)es of this my last will and
  12. testament to se the same p(er)formed and my body decently
  13. buryed And I make will(ia)m veroo sup(er)visore of the
  14. same and I geve him for his paynes my best nagge
  15. saving the graie, Item my will and meanning is that
  16. my sonne Christofer shall not by reason of executoreship
  17. clayme or have any p(ar)te of my beast standinges or horse standinges
  18. or midle boowses or of any plankes bordes or woodde used to
  19. that purpose but they shall remayn to my heyre and not
  20. be removed, witnesses herof will(ia)m veroo John Evyson
  21. Robert Clarke Robert Longe:
  22. Probatim et al Horncastle p(ri)mo die Aprilis
  23. 1584



                                       Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives Will 1583-234

Will, John Dawson of Sutterby 14th March 1583


Johannes         1.       In the name of God Amen the 14th day of March in the

Dawson           2.       year of our Lord God 1583 and in the 26th year of the

  1. reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, I John Dawson
  2. of Sutterby in the county of Lincoln yeoman being (God be praised)
  3. of whole and perfect memory though sick in body do make
  4. ordain and declare my last will and testament in manner and
  5. form following First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God
  6. and the celestial company and my body to be buried in the church
  7. of Sutterby aforesaid with that the law requires for my
  8. mortuary, Item I give to the Church of Sutterby towards
  9. the repair thereof  10s. Item I give to any poor household
  10. in Sutterby aforesaid  12d. Item I give to the Cathedral
  11. Church of Lincoln  12d. Item I give and bequeath to
  12. James my eldest all my lands tenements and hereditaments
  13.  which I purchased in Sutterby To have and to hold the same
  14. to him and to his heirs forever upon this condition, that he
  15. shall within a convenient time after my decease, convey
  16. and assure unto Thomas Dawson my youngest son all the
  17. part and portion which he should or ought to have of those
  18. lands in Saltfleetby which were the inheritance of his mother
  19. And also confirm and assure in writing within a like



 Will 1583-234 John Dawson  Translation continued/2

  1. convenient time after my decease to Christofer William
  2. and Thomas my sons all such gifts legacies and bequests
  3. as I shall by this my last will and testament make give
  4. or bequeath to any of them of any other my lands tenements and
  5. hereditaments, and if it shall happen my said son James
  6. refuse to do and make the assurances & confirmations
  7. aforesaid in manner and form before expressed then I will that
  8. my said son Thomas shall have the same lands before
  9. mentioned to him and to his heirs forever Item I give to
  10. Christofer my son all my lands tenements and hereditaments
  11. in Slackholme to have and to hold the same to him and to his
  12. heirs forever upon this condition that he shall at his full
  13. age of 21 years give and assure unto my said son Thomas
  14. all his part and portion of those lands which were his mothers
  15. inheritance, Item I give to William my son all my lands
  16. tenements and hereditaments in Sloothby to have and to hold
  17. the same to him and to his heirs forever upon the like condition
  18. as before that he shall give and grant at his full age of
  19. 21 years to my said son Thomas, his part and portion of
  20. the said lands which were his mothers Item I do give and
  21. bequeath unto Thomas Dawson my youngest son all those
  22. lands tenements and hereditaments in Saltfleetby which were the



 Will 1583-234 John Dawson  Translation continued/3

  1. inheritance of his mother to have and to hold the same to
  2. him and to his heirs forever, Item I do give to my said
  3. son Thomas 20s. by year to be paid unto him out of the
  4. land which I bought of Thomas Carter, during his natural
  5. life, at the feasts of Philip and Jacob and Saint Michael
  6. the Archangel yearly by even portions And if my said
  7. son James or his heirs shall refuse to pay the said 20s.
  8. by year in manner & form aforesaid, then I will that the
  9. said Thomas my son shall have all the same lands wholly
  10. to himself during his life: Item I give to my said
  11. son Thomas thirty pounds in money, and I will that the same shall
  12. within a convenient time after my decease be paid into the hand
  13. of my son-in-law William Veroo who shall have the custody
  14. of my said son Thomas and of his said portion & the profit
  15. of his land and the said annuity until his age of 20 years
  16. And he shall for the same bring him up at school and shall
  17. put in bond to my brothers Thomas Dawson and Christopher
  18. Purrell for the true payment of the said £30 according to
  19. the meaning of this my last will and testament, Item I give
  20. and bequeath to my son William £20 in money to be paid
  21. unto him at his age of 20 years, and also one chalder of
  22. barley to be paid at the age aforesaid Item I give to my said



Will 1583-234 John Dawson  Translation continued/4

  1. William as much wood good for building as will serve to build
  2. him a house of two bays which I will shall be of the
  3. wood growing on my ground in Sutterby and my son
  4. James shall give him the same without charging my son
  5. Christofer as executor to deliver or pay any part of the same
  6. Item I give and bequeath to James my eldest son all my
  7. tubs vats haircloth and other things necessary and used
  8. about my kiln, and all my corn sown or to be sown before
  9. May Day Item I give to Christofer my son all my wood
  10. lying under the belfrey at the hay Laithe end and my best
  11. grey nag, Item I give to Johan my servant a white
  12. flecked quie of three years old that is among my kine
  13. and a petticoat, Item I give to my said son Christofer all
  14. my best apparel, and I will that all my cloth uncut both
  15. woollen and linen shall be equally divided among my children
  16. Item I give to my daughter Anne one chest that was her
  17. mothers and all things in the same saving a ring and the best
  18. gown and best petticoat that was her mothers: Item I give
  19. to Anne my brother Thomas’s daughter a good ewe Item
  20. I give to Skipwith wife of Sutterby a gown that was
  21. my wifes: Item I give to Roberte Ibyson my gossip a
  22. bushel of barley: Item I give to Cullyton Haven 6d.


Will 1583-234 John Dawson Translation  continued/5

  1. Item I give to Robert Clarke my russet hose and my
  2. worst frieze coat and to Robert Longe my russet jerkin
  3. Item I give to John Page a sheep Item my will & meaning
  4. is that if any of my sons Christofer William Thomas
  5. shall depart this life before their several ages of 20 years
  6. that then his or their part and portion so dying shall remain
  7. to the survivor or survivors of them Item I give
  8. to William Veroo my son-in-law my cow that is at Prestmans
  9. All the residue of my goods and chattels not given nor
  10. bequeathed I give unto James and Christofer my sons
  11. whom I make the executors of this my last will and
  12. testament to see the same performed and my body decently
  13. buried and I make William Veroo supervisor of the
  14. same and I give him for his pains my best nag
  15. saving the grey, Item my will and meaning is that
  16. my son Christofer shall not by reason of executorship
  17. claim or have any part of my beast standings or horse standings
  18. or middle stalls or of any planks boards or wood used to
  19. that purpose but they shall remain to my heir and not
  20. be removed, witnesses hereof William Veroo John Evyson
  21. Robert Clarke Robert Longe:
  22. Probate given at Horncastle 1st April
  23. 1584