Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

1585 HOLLOMS Phillippe INV 72/46

Summary of Archival Record for: Phillippe Holloms

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Document Information

Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 72/46
Document Type: Inventory
Parish: Sutterby
Document Subject: Phillippe Holloms
Date of Document: 1585

Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)

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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 72/46

Inventory, Phillippe Holloms of Sutterby 3 June, 1585

Classical Transcription


  1. An Inventarie of all the goodes & Cattelles
  2. latlie Phillippe holloms of Sutterbie decessed
  3. made and praysed the third of June anno d(o)m(ini)
  4. 1585 by phillip Bowth gent Will(ia)m howker Will(ia)m
  5. Pinchruste & Thomas hollom w(i)th others
  6. Inp(ri)mis his apparrell xl s
  7. Item a truclle & two mattrysses & abede cov(er)inge xxiij s        iiij d
  8. Item fyve lyn(n)en shetes two towelles six pillowberes xxvj s
  9. Item iiij paire of hempe shetes x s
  10. Item two beddes w(i)t(h) the furniture thereunto two
  11. chestes & one coffer w(i)t(h) other implementes xxx s
  12. Item in the chamb(er) abed w(i)th the furniture a
  13. q(uar)ter of bread corne w(i)t(h) other implementes xl s
  14. Item the cubbord w(i)th the puter & the dishebenck
  15. w(i)th the brase w(i)t(h) other implementes in the howse iij li
  16. Item wood in the garthe w(i)t(h) all other impleme(n)tes x s
  17. Item iij kie & two quies vj li
  18. Item ij horsses iiij li
  19. Item iiij Swine xx s
  20. Item eight shepe xxx s
  21. Item all the pullen(s) iiij s


INV 72/46 Classical Transcription continued/2

  1. Item in his purse xxx s
  2. Item two leass the one wherein she dwelles xv li
  3. Item the other leass v li
  4. Item the crope of corne & haie x li
  5. S(u)m(ma) bonores lvj li   iij s   iiij d
  6. Debtes owinge to the testator
  7. Inp(ri)mis John whitaker xij s
  8. Item Thomas Dikalson xij d
  9. Item Thomas wilson xviij s
  10. Item Thomas Collinson v s
  11. Item Will(ia)m hartley vij s        iiij d
  12. Item Will(ia)m hartley 1 q(uar)tar of barlye
  13. Item Daniell Rowston iiij s       viij d
  14. Item John’ Balie xvj d
  15. Item John’ hewitt iij s
  16. Item Will(ia)m howker x s
  17. Item m(istress) howper xxij d
  18. Item m(aster) Heley wiffe x d
  19. Item Thomas hawrnebe x[ 3 ] d
  20. S(u)m(ma) debitores iij li   xj s   ijd
  21. S(u)m(ma) total(is) lix li   xiij s   vj d






Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 72/46

Inventory, Phillippe Holloms of Sutterby 3 June, 1585


  1. An Inventory of all the goods & chattels
  2. lately Philip Holloms of Sutterby deceased
  3. made and appraised the third of June anno domini
  4. 1585 by Philip Bowth gent William Howker William
  5. Pinchruste & Thomas Hollom with others
  6. Firstly his apparel 40s.
  7. Item a truckle & two mattresses & a bed covering 23s.         4d.
  8. Item five linen sheets two towels six pillow cases 26s.
  9. Item 4 pairs of hemp sheets 10s.
  10. Item two beds with the furniture thereunto two
  11. chests & one coffer with other implements 30s.
  12. Item in the chamber a bed with the furniture a
  13. quarter of bread corn with other implements 40s.
  14. Item the cupboard with the pewter & the dishbench
  15. with the brass with other implements in the house £3
  16. Item wood in the garth with all other implements 10s.
  17. Item 3 kine & two quies £6
  18. Item 2 horses £4
  19. Item 4 Swine 20s.
  20. Item eight sheep 30s.
  21. Item all the pullen 4s.


INV 72/46 Translation continued/2

  1. Item in his purse 30s.
  2. Item two leases the one wherein she dwells £15
  3. Item the other lease £5
  4. Item the crop of corn and hay £10
  5. Summa bonores £56 3s.   4d.
  6. Debts owing to the testator
  7. Firstly John Whitaker 12s.
  8. Item Thomas Dikalson 12d.
  9. Item Thomas Wilson 18s.
  10. Item Thomas Collinson 5s.
  11. Item William Hartley 7s.         4d.
  12. Item William Hartley 1 quarter of barley
  13. Item Daniel Rowston 4s.         8d.
  14. Item John Bailie 16d.
  15. Item John Hewitt 3s.
  16. Item William Howker 10s.
  17. Item Mrs. Howper 22d.
  18. Item Mr. Heley wife 10d.
  19. Item Thomas Hawrnebe                                                                                            10[ 3 ]d.
  20. Summa debitores £3   11s.   2d.
  21. Sum total £59   13s.   6d.



3  Illegible