1614 JACKSON Lawrence INV 115/199/001 & 002
Summary of Archival Record for: Lawrence Jackson
This is an archival record for Jackson Lawrence from the parish of Driby.
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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 115/199/001 & 002
Inventory of Lawrence (Laurence) Jackson of Driby 17 March 1614
Classical Transcription
1. A trew Inventorie taken the xvijth Day of March
2. 1614 of all the goods & chattles of Lawrence Jackson
3. of Drybye latelie Deceased & praised by Christo
4. pher Dawson, John Carter, and John Jackson
5. and Thomas Jackson
7. Inp(ri)mis his purse and apparell xij li
8. Item in the Parlor one bedsteade, one feather
9. bed with the coverings and blankets lying upon iiij li x s
10. yt
11. Item two flockbeds w(it)h [1]eir appurtenances xl s
12. Item one ioygned cheste, seven linnen sheetes
13. one bedcovering xlvj s
14. Item one other ioyned chest, three harden
15. sheetes two yards of linnen clothe one xvj s
16. table clothe
17. Item one cubbard one table <1> and a presse xxv s
18. In the litle Buttrie
20. Item one barrell, one kimlinge, xiiij lb of harden
21. yarns, certaine shelves & some other hushlement xx s
22. In the milk howse
24. Item ten kettle pannes and certaine shelves vj s
25. In the chamber over the Parler
26. Item nyne quarters of oates v li
27. Item three quarters and an halfe of malt iij li x s
28. Item two quarters of barlie xxx s
29. Item one cheese heck w(it)h other hushlement v sINV 115/199/001 Classical Transcription continued/2
30. In the chamber over the Hall
31. Item one mattresse bed x s
32. Item six sackes v s
33. Item one barrell & three stockes of corne in yt vj s
34. Item two barrells w(it)h feathers in them v s
35. Item plough timber, harrow bolles and other
36. hushlement xx s
37. In the Hall
38. Item one cubbard, one chaire, one table and the
39. formes w(it)h two cushions one cradle and xxvj s viiij d
40. other hushlement
41. Item eight bacon flitches xx s
42. Item all the pewter x s
43. Item two sackes ij s
44. Item three brasse potts and one kettle xx s
45. In the Kitchin
46. Item one Tubb, two sooes one dish-benche
47. w(it)h shelves and other hushlemente xiiij s
48. In an other kitchin
49. Item one chease -presse, one spitte w(it)h
50. other hushlement vj s
51. In the greater Barne
52. Item fifteene quarters of barlie xv li
53. [2] In the lesser Barne
54. Item for all the lintels threshed and unthreshed iiij li vj s 8 d
55. Item two blanks one plough and other hushlement xij s
57. Item foure yards of harden cloth ij s viij d
58. Item one great panne iij s iiij dINV 115/199/002 Classical Transcription
59. In the Stable
60. Item three Mares & one Nagge viij li
61. Item all the planchers, middlebouser & other hushlement xiijs iiij d
62. Item foure oxen xvj li
63. In the yarde
64. Item sixe Swinne xl s
65. Item one waine w(it)h a p(ai)r of shodd wheeles iij li xiij s iiij d
66. Item all the hay xx s
67. Item one ladder & three gates iij s iiij d
68. Item three gates more xiiij s
69. Item certaine wood, two standes and one old plough x s
70. Item all the pales vj s viij d
71. Item a dung carte vj s viij d
72. Item two old sithes xij d
73. Item plough, plough-geares and harrowes 24 s
74. Item seven kine and one heifer xvj li
75. Item three score and tenn sheepe xxij li
76. Item eight yearings vj li xiij s iiij d
77. Item seven calves xl s vj s 8 d
78. Item one grindstone ij s vj d
79. Item all the poultrie viij s
80. Item for the lease of his farme xx li
85. Debtes owinge to the said Laurence Jackson
87. Eucstace Lincoln xliiij s
88. The Towne of Dribie xx s
89. Sum(m)a totalis 170 li 4 s 2 dINV 115/199/002 Classical Transcription continued/2
91. Debtes w(hic)h the said Laurence doth owe
92. upon Bonds
94. To John Leachman of Horncastle x li x s
95. To Richard Clayton of Hallington ix li x s
96. To John Bracebrigge of Hagworthingha
97. xj li
98. To ffranccis Taylor of Dribye vj li xij s
99. To Thomas Scottreth of Sutterbie [3] ix li
100. To Christopher Rundes of Scamblesbie ix li
101. To Mathew Pigott of H Lusbie x li v s
102. To Samuel wylyman of Castle carlton vij li xiiij s
103. To [2] Richard Brewster of ffirsbie v li x s
104. To Robert westerbie of Aswerbie iij li xiij s iiij d
105. To will(ia)m Beache of Aswarbie liij s iiij d
106. To George Jackson of Brinkhill xxxiij s iiij d
107. To Martine Houlden of Drybie xxxviij s
108. To John Carter of Drybie iiij s
109. To M(aste)r Meares xviij li
110. To Anthony Waters of Winsby vj li xij d
111. To Bennett Nanan xiiij s 4 d
112. ii4 li xij s
Probatim et al Lincoln 2nd May 1615Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 115/199/001 & 002
Inventory of Lawrence (Laurence)Jackson of Driby 17 March 1614
1. A true inventory taken the 17th day of March
2. 1614 of all the goods & chattels of Lawrence Jackson
3. of Driby lately deceased & appraised by Christo-
4. pher Dawson, John Carter, and John Jackson
5. and Thomas Jackson
7. Firstly his purse and apparel £12
8. Item in the Parlour one bedstead, one feather
9. bed with the coverings and blankets lying upon £4 10s
10. it
11. Item two flockbeds with their appurtenances 40s
12. Item one joined chest, seven linen sheets
13. one bed covering 46s
14. Item one other joined chest, three harden
15. sheets two yards of linen cloth one 16s
16. tablecloth
17. Item one cupboard one table and a press 25s
18. In the Little Buttery
20. Item one barrel, one kimnel, 14lb of harden
21. yarns, certain shelves & some other hustlement 20s
22. In the Milk House
24. Item ten kettle pans and certain shelves 6s
25. In the Chamber over the Parlour
26. Item nine quarters of oats £5
27. Item three quarters and a half of malt £3 10s
28. Item two quarters of barley 30s
29. Item one cheese heck with other hustlement 5sINV 115/199/001 Translation continued/2
30. In the Chamber Over the Hall
31. Item one mattress bed 10s
32. Item six sacks 5s
33. Item one barrel & three stocks of corn in it 6s
34. Item two barrels with feathers in them 5s
35. Item plough timber, harrow bowls and other
36. hustlement 20s
37. In the Hall
38. Item one cupboard, one chair, one table and the
39. forms with two cushions one cradle and 26s 8d
40. other hustlement
41. Item eight bacon flitches 20s
42. Item all the pewter 10s
43. Item two sacks 2s
44. Item three brass pots and one kettle 20s
45. In the Kitchen
46. Item one tub, two soes one dish-bench
47. with shelves and other hustlement 14s
48. In an other Kitchen
49. Item one cheese -press, one spit with
50. other hustlement 6s
51. In the Greater Barn
52. Item fifteen quarters of barley £15
53. In the Lesser Barn
54. Item for all the lintels threshed and unthreshed £4 6s 8d
55. Item two planks one plough and other hustlement 12s
57. Item four yards of harden cloth 2s 8d
58. Item one great pan 3s 4dINV 115/199/002 Translation
59. In the Stable
60. Item three mares & one nag £8
61. Item all the planks, middlebouser & other hustlement 13s 4d
62. Item four oxen £16
63. In the Yard
64. Item six swine 40s
65. Item one wain with a pair of shod wheels £3 13s 4d
66. Item all the hay 20s
67. Item one ladder & three gates 3s 4d
68. Item three gates more 14s
69. Item certain wood, two stands and one old plough 10s
70. Item all the pales 6s 8d
71. Item a dung cart 6s 8d
72. Item two old scythes 12d
73. Item plough, plough gears and harrows 24s
74. Item seven kine and one heifer £16
75. Item three score and ten sheep £22
76. Item eight yearings £6 13s 4d
77. Item seven calves 46s 8d
78. Item one grindstone 2s 6d
79. Item all the poultry 8s
80. Item for the lease of his farm £20
85. Debts owing to the said Lawrence Jackson
87. Eucstace Lincoln 44s
88. The town of Driby 20s
89. Sum total £170 4s 2dINV 115/199/002 Translation continued/2
91. Debts which the said Lawrence doth owe
92. upon Bonds
94. To John Leachman of Horncastle £10 10s
95. To Richard Clayton of Hallington £9 10s
96. To John Bracebrigge of Hagworthingham
97. £11
98. To Francis Taylor of Driby £6 12s
99. To Thomas Scottreth of Sutterby [3]£9
100. To Christopher Roades of Scamblesby £9
101. To Mathew Pigott of Lusby £10 5s
102. To Samuel Wylyman of Castle Carlton £7 14s
103. To [2] Richard Brewster of Firsby £5 10s
104. To Robert Westerbie of Aswardby £3 12s 4d
105. To William Beache of Aswardby 53s 4d
106. To George Jackson of Brinkhill 33s 4d
107. To Martin Houlden of Driby 38s
108. To John Carter of Driby 4s
109. To Mr Meares £18
110. To Anthony Waters of Winceby £6 12d
111. To Bennett Nanan 14s 4d
112. £114 12s
Probate etc. Lincoln 2nd May 1615
[ 1 ] Hole in paper
[ 2 ] Illegible deletion