1624 DAWSON Christopher INV 128/129
Summary of Archival Record for: Christopher Dawson
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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 128/129
Inventory, Christopher Dawson of Sutterby 30 June 1624
Classical Transcription
- The Inventorie of
- all the goods and Chattells of Christopher
- Dawson of Sutterby in the County of Lincoln
- yeoman deceased prized the thirtieth day of
- June, 1624 by Richard wailsbye, John
- Worts & Edward Emson.
- In the marshe at his farme at Sleckhames
- Inprimis in the hall a long
- Table & a forme two brasse potts a pewter xiij s iiij d
- dubler & other huslements
- Item in the p(ar)lor one trusse bed w(i)th a feather
- bed & the furniture belonging unto it & one xxxiij s iiij d
- stock bed
- In the Chamber butter and cheese xx s
- Item in the kitchin one cheese presse & other
- huslem(en)tes x s
- Item six kine, three calves & a bull xviij li
- Item two swine xij s
- Item a paire of Oxen x li
- Item three steares seaven burlings & one heifer xx li
- Item three acres of beanes & lintins xxxiij s iiij d
- Item one gray mare iij li vj s viij d
- Item twentie & five sheepe v li
- In the house at Sutterbye
- Inprimis his purse and apparell x li
- Item foure score sheepe & one score of lambes xxviij li
- Item six oxen xxviij li
- Item five kine xiij li vj s viij d
- Item foure calves & one horse v li
INV 128/129 Classical Transcription continued/2
- In the p(ar)lor one trusse bed one Cannopie
- bed two chaires w(i)th other huslem(en)t xx s
- Item in the bedchamber one stock bed three
- paire of blanckitts, three paire of sheets xxx s
- one Cov(er)lidd two chists, j Cofer, two pillowes
- Item xij yards of linnen cloth xiiij s
- Item thirteene yards of hempe viij s viij d
- Item two blancketts, one paire of sheets
- one pillowe one cov(er)led x s
- Item half a bend of leather two fire
- Irons one Churne one tubbe xx s
- Item iiij bacon flickes butter & cheese xxx s
- Item in the best Chamber one Seiled bed
- w(i)th the furniture iiij li vj s viij d
- Item in the brewhouse one lead w(i)th all
- the brewing vessells xlv s
- Item in the dayrye one dishbinch one Soe
- w(i)th other husle(me)nt xv s
- Item in the kitchin iij pannes & one spitt vij s vj d
- Item one paire of linnen sheets half a
- dozin of napkins xx s
- Item a paire of midling sheets vj s viij d
- Item three yards of new cloth iij s
- Item vj yardes of harden iiij s
- Item seaven yardes of harden iij s vj d
- Item one Tablecloth v s
- Item one flagon v pewter dishes, iij fruite
- dishes w(i)th other huslem(en)tes xx s
- Item Corne & in the barne & Chambers xiij li x s
- Item xxx acres of barlye xxx li
INV 128/129 Classical Transcription continued/3
- Item x acres of Oates & lintins, & one
- lintin cocke x li
- Item one stack of hay, one belphrey &
- one steddle of hay v li x s
- Item for the wooll xx li
- Item all the wood about the yard v li
- Item waines & wainegeares one Cowe, plowe &
- plowegeares w(i)th other husle(me)nt in the yard xiiij li
- Item for certaine geese w(i)th other pullen x s
- Suma – 260 li iiij s iiij d
- Debts due to the said Christopher
- dawson at the time of his death.
- Inprimis ffor Rent due
- at Scamblesbye iiij li x s
- Item from John Baggott liiij s
- Item from ffrancis Nippikawe xiij s iiij d
- Item for Rent at Saltfletby iiij li
- Sum(m)a – xj li xvij s iiij d
- Sum(m)a total(is) 272 li j s 8 d
- Richard wailsbye
- John worts
- Edward Emson
Probatum et al
Lincoln quinto die July Anno
D(o)m(ini) 1624
Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 128/129
Inventory, Christopher Dawson of Sutterby 30 June 1624
- The Inventory of
- all the goods and chattels of Christopher
- Dawson of Sutterby in the County of Lincoln
- yeoman deceased appraised the thirtieth day of
- June, 1624 by Richard Wailsbye, John
- Worts & Edward Emson
- In the marsh at his farm at Slackholme
- Firstly in the hall a long
- table & a form two brass pots a pewter 13s. 4d.
- dubler & other hustlement
- Item in the parlour one truss bed with a feather
- bed & the furniture belonging unto it & one 33s. 4d.
- stock bed
- In the chamber butter and cheese 20s.
- Item in the kitchen one cheese press & other
- hustlement 10s.
- Item six kine, three calves & a bull £18
- Item two swine 12s.
- Item a pair of oxen £10
- Item three steers seven burlings & one heifer £20
- Item three acres of beans & lintins 33s. 4d.
- Item one grey mare £3 6s. 8d.
- Item twenty five sheep £5
- In the house at Sutterby
- Firstly his purse & apparel £10
- Item four score sheep & one score of lambs £28
- Item six oxen £28
- Item five kine £13 6s. 8d.
- Item four calves & one horse £5
INV 128/129 Translation continued/2
- In the parlour one truss bed one canopy
- bed two chairs with other hustlement 20s.
- Item in the bedchamber one stock bed three
- pairs of blankets, three pairs of sheets 30s.
- one coverlet two chests 1 coffer, two pillows
- Item 12 yards of linen cloth 14s.
- Item thirteen yards of hemp 8s. 8d.
- Item two blankets, one pair of sheets
- one pillow one coverlet 10s.
- Item half a bend of leather two fire
- irons one churn one tub 20s.
- Item 4 bacon flitches butter & cheese 30s.
- Item in the best chamber one seild bed
- with the furniture £4 6s. 8d.
- Item in the brewhouse one lead with all
- the brewing vessels 45s.
- Item in the dairy one dishbench one soe
- with other hustlement 15s.
- Item in the kitchen 3 pans & one spit 7s. 6d.
- Item one pair of linen sheets half a
- dozen of napkins 20s.
- Item a pair of middling sheets 6s. 8d.
- Item three yards of new cloth 3s.
- Item 6 yards of harden 4s.
- Item seven yards of harden 3s. 6d.
- Item one tablecloth 5s.
- Item one flagon 5 pewter dishes 3 fruit
- dishes with other hustlement 20s.
- Item corn & in the barn & chambers £13 10s.
- Item 30 acres of barley £30
INV 128/129 Translation continued/3
- Item 10 acres of oats & lintins, & one
- lintin cock £10
- Item one stack of hay, one belfray &
- one steddle of hay £5 10s.
- Item for the wool £20
- Item all the wood about the yard £5
- Item waines & waingears one cow, plow &
- plowgears with other hustlement in the yard £14
- Item for certain geese with other pullen 10s.
- Sum £260 4s. 4d.
- Debts due to the said Christopher
- Dawson at the time of his death
- Firstly for rent due
- at Scamblesby £4 10s.
- Item from John Baggott 54s.
- Item from Francis Nippikawe 13s. 4d.
- Item for rent at Saltfleetby £4
- Sum £11 17s. 4d.
- Sum total £272 1s. 8d.
- Richard Wailsbye
- John Worts
- Edward Emson
Probate etc.
Lincoln 5th day of July
AD 1624