1631 DAWSON Thomas INV 138/164/001
Summary of Archival Record for: Thomas Dawson
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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 138/164/001
Inventory, Thomas Dawson of Sutterby 1 December 1631
Classical Transcription
- A true & p(er)fect Inventorie of all the goodes & chattlles
- moveable & immovable of Thomas Dawson of Sutterby
- yeoman deceased, prized the first of December 1631
- by us whose names are underwritten
- Inp(rimis) his purse & apparell xxx li
- Item eight kine & foure [ 2 ] burlens xx li iiij
- Item tenn fatt oxen lvij li
- Item tenn draught oxen xl li
- Item fifteene younge cattell xxx li
- Item foure naggs three mares & two foales xxiiij li
- Item tenn score & eleaven sheepe lxxij li
- Item nine swine iiij li
- Item duckes turkes & hens xx s
- Item <barley> in the greate barne & wheate in the same barne l li
- Item Oauts & lentells in the low barne x li
- Item barley in Brayes barne iiij li
- Item Oauts in the same barne xij li
- Item Oauts in the little barne in the same yard v li
- Item old lentells xx s
- Item Pease in the Cots barne ij li
- Item Hay att home & att in the marsh xxvij [ 3 ]
- Item wheate on the Ground vj li
- Item Land plowed iiij li
- Item Oake Oake woode x li
- Item Bees xx s
- In the carthouse
- I(n)p(rimis) two waines one burden cart vj li
- Item furdle & ash planke x s
INV 138/164/001 Classical Transcription continued/2
- Item two pare of cart draughts v s
- Item yoakes teames mould bords & other huselments xx s
- In the mill house
- I(n)p(rimis) one horse mill iij li
- Item axeltrees xxvj s
- Item Spokes yoakes waine rases xxxiij s
- Item two pare of horsetrees three pare of harrowes one teame
- and one teame xx s
- Item sheepeskins one payre of bed stackes & <other> huselments xiij s iij d
- In the chamber over the millhouse
- I(n)p(rimis) Rie and barley ij li
- one wyer riddle vij s
- In the oxehouse
- Inp(rimis) woode x s
- Item oxen cribs & planckes & other huslements xxx s
- In the calfe house
- Inp(rimis) Spookes & fellows xxx s
- Item Bricke & trayes w(i)th other huslements x s
- Item ladders viij s
- Item One Graned b[ 3 ] v s
INV 138/164/002 Classical Transcription continued/3
- In the horse stable
- Inp(rimis) one steepefatt xx s
- Item horse planckes & othe huslements x s
- In the parler
- Inp(rimis) one bed w(i)th the furneture vj li
- Item one dwawing table & seven buffett stooles iij li v s
- Item two ioyned chares & one wanded chare xiij s
- Item six cushens & three cushened stooles & one warming pan xxv s
- Item one cubberd one little chare & little chest xxiiij s
- Item one ioyned chest w(i)th nine payre of hempen sheets ij li x s
- Item two carpetts one seeing glace xvj s
- Item one ure & seaventeene pewter dishes x li iiij s
- Item two peuter candlestickes three salts one pewter pott
- & six spoones tw porrengers & five little suaucers viij s
- Item tenn silver spoones ij li x s
- Item one pott of honey & a pound of fal flaxe xviij s
- It In the buttrey
- Inp(rimis) one flagon five peuter dishes x s
- Item two butter pootts xx s
- Item two bacon fliches xiij s
- Item one greate tubb two hogdheads tw barrells one
- Malting trought w(i)th other huselments xx s
- In the old buttrey
- Inp(rimis) one brasse pott viij s
- Item fifteene peuter dishes & three candlesticke xxx s
- Item one <brasse> chaendich two drippinpans w(i)th other huselments x s
- In the hall
- Inp(rimis) one long table & seaven stooles xxvj s
- Item one little table & one cubbert xx s
- Item one bason & ure v s
INV 138/164/002 Classical Transcription continued/4
- Item foure chares & one glascase & tw little stooles xij s
- Item one bible w(i)th other booke x s
- Item one brasen morter w(i)th other huselments viij s
- In the cittchen
- Inp(rimis) one land iron vij s
- Item tw payre of cobirons thre spitts xvij s
- Item one planck one candle trough & one soe w(i)th
- other old wood w(i)th other huselments xx s
- In theinner chichen
- Inp(rimis) cooales x s
- Item brasse in the iij l
- Item one stand one tub w(i)th other huselmentes vj s
- In the brueing house
- Inp(rimis) one leade & a bruing tubb xl s
- Item tw bolteing tubbs three barrells one cheespresse
- w(i)th other huselments xiij s
- In the milke house
- Inp(rimis) one plancke table thre kitts & a churne <churne> vij s
- Item twelve kettle booles shelves w(i)th other huselments xij s
INV 138/164/003 Classical Transcription continued/5
- In the new chamber
- Inp(rimis) one bed w(i)th the furneyture ix li
- Item one other bed v li
- Item one liverie cubbert w(i)th the cloth & two chares xxviij s
- Item one chest five payre of sheets & payre of tables xl s
- In the kittchin chamber
- Inp(rimis) <five> brasse potts & a p [ 1 ] xl s
- Item woole & other huselments xx s
- In the chamber over the hall
- Inp(rimis) malte & beanes iij li
- Item cheese xl s
- Item greate chest & one churne & yarne & foureteene
- sacks w(i)th other huselments xxx s
- In the chamber over the parler
- Inp(rimis) three beds servants beds v li x s
- Item one table a chest & a churne xx s
- Item one presser two craddles w(i)th other husselments xiij s 4 d
- In the chamber over the buttrey
- Inp(rimis) one bed w(i)th curtanes foure blancketts one coverled
- & featherbed and a payre of sheets iiijli
- Item one other stocke bed w(i)th a fetherbed two blancketts one
- coverlett & two pillows xl s
- Item one other bedstead w(i)th a featherbed thre pillows
- tw blancketts & boulster iij li
- Item two chests twelve payre of linning sheets five tablecloth
- thre duzen of napkins twentie pillow beares five
- towells xij li
- Item tw little chests vj s viij d
- Item hopps v s
- Item debts oweing to the testator iooli xiij s
INV 138/164/003 Classical Transcription continued/6
- Sum(ma) totalis 635 – 6 – 8
- John Veroo willm wilson
- Edward Emson John Emson
Probatum et al Spillsby
Nono die december Anno d(om)ini 1631
Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 138/164/001
Inventory, Thomas Dawson of Sutterby 1 December 1631
- A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods and chattels
- movable and immovable of Thomas Dawson of Sutterby
- yeoman deceased, appraised the first of December 1631
- by us whose names are underwritten
- Firstly his purse and apparel £30
- Item eight kine & four burlings £20 4
- Item ten fat oxen £57
- Item ten draught oxen £40
- Item fifteen young cattle £30
- Item four nags three mares & two foals £24
- Item ten score & eleven sheep £72
- Item nine swine £4
- Item ducks turkeys & hens 20s.
- Item barley in the great barn & wheat in the same barn £50
- Item Oats and lentils in the low barn £10
- Item barley in Brayes barn £4
- Item Oats in the same barn £12
- Item Oats in the little barn in the same yard £5
- Item old lentils 20s.
- Item Peas in the Cots barn £2
- Item Hay at home & in the marsh 27[ 3 ]
- Item wheat on the Ground £6
- Item Land ploughed £4
- Item Oak wood £10
- Item Bees 20s.
- In the Cart House
- Firstly two wains one burden cart £6
- Item furdle & ash plank 10s.
INV 138/164/001 Translation continued/2
- Item two pairs of cart draughts 5s.
- Item yokes teams mould boards & other hustlement 20s.
- In the MillHouse
- Firstly one horse mill £3
- Item axletrees 26s.
- Item Spokes yokes wain races 33s.
- Item two pairs of horsetrees three pairs of harrows
- and one team 20s.
- Item sheepskins one pair of bedsteads & other hustlement 13s. 3d.
- In the Chamber over the Millhouse
- Firstly Rye and barley £2
- one wire riddle 7s.
- In the Oxhouse
- Firstly wood 10s.
- Item Ox cribs & planks & other hustlement 30s.
- In the Calf House
- Firstly Spokes & felloes 30s.
- Item Brick & trays with other hustlement 10s.
- Item ladders 8s.
- Item one grand b[ 3 ] 5s.
INV 138/164/002 Translation continued/3
- In the Horse Stable
- Firstly one steepvat 20s.
- Item horse planks & other hustlement 10s.
- In the Parlour
- Firstly one bed with the furniture £6
- Item one drawing table & seven buffet stools £3 10s.
- Item two joined chairs & one wanded chair 13s.
- Item six cushions & three cushioned stools & one warming pan 25s.
- Item one cupboard one little chair & little chest 24s.
- Item one joined chest with nine pairs of hemp sheets £2 10s.
- Item two carpets one seeing glass 16s.
- Item one ewer & seventeen pewter dishes £10 4s.
- Item two pewter candlesticks three salts one pewter pot
- & six spoons two porringers & five little saucers 8s.
- Item ten silver spoons £2 10s.
- Item one pot of honey & a pound of flax 18s.
- In the Buttery
- Firstly one flagon five pewter dishes 10s.
- Item two butter pots 20s.
- Item two bacon flitches 13s.
- Item one great tub two hogsheads two barrels one
- Malting trough with other hustlement 20s.
- In the Old Buttery
- Firstly one brass pot 8s.
- Item fifteen pewter dishes & three candlesticks 30s.
- Item one brass chafing dish two dripping pans with other hustlement 10s.
- In the Hall
- Firstly one long table & seven stools 26s.
- Item one little table & one cupboard 20s.
- Item one basin & ewer 5s.
INV 138/164/002 Translation continued/4
- Item four chairs & one glass case & two little stools 12s.
- Item one bible with other book 10s.
- Item one brass mortar with other hustlement 8s.
- In the Kitchen
- Firstly one land iron 7s.
- Item two pairs of cob irons three spits 17s.
- Item one plank one candle trough & one soe with
- other old wood with other hustlement 20s.
- In the Inner Kitchen
- Firstly coal 10s.
- Item brass £3
- Item one stand one tub with other hustlement 6s.
- In the Brewing House
- Firstly one lead & a brewing tub 40s.
- Item two bolting tubs three barrels one cheese press
- with other hustlement 13s.
- In the Milk House
- Firstly one plank table three kitts & a churn 7s.
- Item twelve kettle bowls shelves with other hustlement 12s.
INV 138/164/003 Translation continued/5
- In the New Chamber
- Firstly one bed with the furniture £9
- Item one other bed £10
- Item one livery cupboard with the clothes two chairs 28s.
- Item one chest five pairs of sheets 1 pair of tables 40s.
- In the Kitchen Chamber
- Firstly <five> brass potts & a p [ 1 ] 40s.
- Item wool & other hustlements 20s.
- In the Chamber over the Hall
- Firstly malt & beans £3
- Item cheese 40s.
- Item great chest & one churn & yarn & fourteen
- sacks with other huselments 30s.
- In the Chamber over the Parlour
- Firstly three servants beds £5 10s.
- Item one table a chest & a churn 20s.
- Item one presser two cradles with other hustlements 13s. 4d.
- In the Chamber over the Buttery
- Firstly one bed with curtains four blankets one coverlet
- & featherbed and a pair of sheets £4
- Item one other stock bed with a featherbed two blankets one
- coverlet & two pillows 40s.
- Item one other bedstead with a featherbed three pillows
- two blankets & bolster £3
- Item two chests twelve pairs of linen sheets five tablecloth
- three dozen of napkins twenty pillowbeares five
- towels £12
- Item two little chests 6s. 8d.
- Item hops 5s.
- Item debts owing to the testator £100 13s.
INV 138/164/003 Translation continued/6
- Summa totalis 635 – 6 – 8
- John Veres Will(ia)m Wilson
- Edward Emson John Emson
Probate etc Spilsby
9 December AD 1631
1 hole in paper
2 illegible crossing out
3 illegible