Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

1638 HOULDEN Martin INV 147/211

Summary of Archival Record for: Martin Houlden

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Document Information

Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 147/211
Document Type: Inventory
Parish: Driby
Document Subject: Martin Houlden
Date of Document: 1638

Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)

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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Archives INV 147/211

Inventory, Martin Houlden of Driby 12 September 1638

Classical Transcription

1. A true and p(er)fect Inventary of all the

2. goodes Chattells and moveables of Martin

3. Houlden late of Dribie in the Countie of

4. Lincoln Clerk deceased according to the

5. praisement of us whose names are under-

6. written this p(re)sent 12th of September 1638.

7. li s d

8. Inprimis his purse and apparrell 20 0 0

9. In the bedd Chamber

10. Item the best bedstead with two fether bedes a quilt twoe

11. coverings, two blanckettes a bolster, two pillowes: vallance 8 0 0

12. Curtanes and curtane roddes

13. Item an other bedstead with two fether bedes three coueringes

14. two blanckettes two boulsters a pillow curtans, curtan 7 0 0

15. roddes, and vallance belonging to itt

16. Item an[ 4 ] oate presse and a liverie cupbord 1 0 0

17. Item a greate trunck and two little trunckes with a

18. close stoole 1 0 0

19. Item one oate chest 0 6 8

20. Item a basen and Ewre: 9 other pe[ 4 ] of pewther w(i)th

21. and old still 1 3 4INV 147/211 Classical Transcription continued /2

22. Item six quushens and a long quishen [ 4 ]

23. Item an high ioyned stoole and old Wicker chaire 0 2 0

24. Item twoe paire of Linn sheetes with other old linnen

25. in the greate trunck 2 10 0

26. Item a new covering of white and redd 0 16 0

27. Item two silver beare bowles, two guilt wine boules,

28. seaven silver spoones, with two silver saltes and a 14 10 0

29. cover to them

30. Item painted cloathes and mattes in the said chamber

31. and over the staire head 0 10 0

32. Item an old fflannders Chest 0 3 0

33. In the Hall.

34. Item two glasse cases 2: formes with a little chaire 0 8 0

35. Item a muskett and a rest with other furniture

36. belonging to itt 01 0 0

37. Item painted cloathes, and Shuttes for the windowes 0 3 4

38. In the parlo(ur): Corne chamber

39. and Yard.

40. Item a great old chest and certaine old boardes 0 5 6

41. Item wainescott in the parlo(ur) 1 0 0

42. Item old wood in the yard 0 5 0

43. In the Studie

44. Irem two chaires a chest and a desk 0 13 4INV 147/211 Classical Transcription continued/3

45. Item two curtaines a Curtaine rodd w(i)th other

46. Huslementes 0 6 8

47. Item the Shelves with the mattes over the studye 0 10 0

48. Item the whole library 20 0 0

49. Stock.

50. Item an old white mare and a fillie 5 0 0

51. Item three Ewes and three lambs 1 10 0

52. Debts oweinge unto

53. him

54. Item by Phinees Smith to be paid att Martin

55. masse next 15 0 0

56. Item more by him to be paid att midsom(m)er next 13 6 0

57. Item John Jackson owes for foure Ewes and

58. fower lambes to be paid att Lam(m)as next 2 0 0

59. Item more in desp(er)ate debtes upon three bondes 55 0 0



61. Sum(m)a li s d

62. total(is) 174 8 10



64. James Greene CS [ 5 ] George Ballett

65. Ben Storr CS [ 5 ] Rich Thew

Probatim et al Lincoln 19 Sept 1638