1668 BRICKLE Henry Will 1668-185
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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Will 1668-185
Will, Henry Brickle of Sutterby, 12th October, 1668
Classical Transcription
- In the Name of God Amen I Henry Brickle of Sutterby in the
- County of Lyncoln Yeoman being in health of body and p(er)fect reme(m)brance
- (blessed be God for it) do make this my Last Will and testament (heere
- by revoking all other Wills and promises) in manner and forme
- following. ffirst I bequeath my soul into the hands of Al(mighty) God
- hopeing to be saved through the merrits of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour
- And my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried according to
- the discretion of Dorothea my wife And my estate as followeth
- Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth thirty pounds to be paid her when
- she shall attaine to the full age of eighteene yeares, and then her receipt to be a full
- discharge for my executrix It(em) I give and my will is that my executrix shall put
- in or cause to be put in before her mariage sufficient bond or bonds or other such
- security or securities to my supervisors as they shall think fitt & sufficient for the true
- discharge of the said legacy of thirty pounds to my said daughter <bequethed> and yf not then my
- will is that my supervisors shall im(m)ediatly enter upon my four acre closse of
- pasture and my three acre closse of pasture and to let use occupy and fully [2]
- to thier owne to enjoy the same (provided they nor none under them either plow the(m)
- up, fell the tymber or wilfully destroy the fences) till the said legacy of thirty
- pounds be fully discharged with all other taxes and charges wtsoever during the
- said tenure or time upon the said two closses imposed, and no longer Item I give
Will, Henry Brickle 1668 Classical Transcription continued/2
- also unto my said daughter one great oak chest, an oake presse that we hang our
- clothes in, and an oak table in the parlour, and a seiled bedstead with a featherbed
- one feather bolster, two feather pillowes, one pair of blankets, one coverlid, one pair
- of Linn sheets, with one paire of Linn pillowbeares, and my will is that yf my said
- daughter Elizabeth shall depart this lyfe before shee shall attaine to the full age of eighteene
- years, that then all ten pounds of the said thirty to my daughter bequeathed shall be to my
- sonne Henry, and ten pounds to my son Hamond, to be paid them at thier severall
- ages of one & twenty, and all the remainder to Dorothea my wife, And my will is that
- yf either of my sons shall depart this life before they shall attaine to the full age of
- one & twenty years, then this his said legacy tobe unto him by the death of his said
- sister to be and remayne to the longer of them survivor of them
- Item I give my house, lands, pasture & arrable and all outhouses, com(m)ons profits with
- All app(er)tenances to them or any of them belonging, lying and being within the towne [2]
- and p(re)cincts of Sutterby to my Sonne Henry & his hiers for ever after the death of
- Dorothea my wyfe, conditionally that she pay or cause to be paid unto my Sonne
- Hamond or his executors, Administors or assignes the sum(m)a of fifty pounds one whole
- yeare after the decease of my said Wyfe yf she shall live till they attaine thier full
- ages of one & twenty, and yf she die before, then my will is my Son Henry shall pay
- the said sum(m)a of fifty pounds to my Sonne Hamond when the (sai)d Hamond shall attaine
- unto the full age of one & twenty years, and ————–[3]—————— said houses and
- lands afore specified for the true & faithfull discharge thereof Item I give unto John
Will, Henry Brickle 1668 Classical Transcription continued/3
- Nicholson of Horncastle my kinsman two shillings and six pence. Item all the residue of my
- goods and chattells undisposed I give them wholly unto Dorothea my wyfe whom I make my sole
executrix of this my
- last will and testament, and I give her also my house & all my lands, pasture & arrable lying &
being in
- Sutterby & the precincts thereof with all the com(m)ons, profitts com(m)odities and app(er)tinances
to them belonging during
- the term of her naturall lyfe, provided she put in bond to my supervisors to keep my s(ai)d
houses and outhouses in
- sufficient repaires, not to plow up any of my pasture ground, nor abuse my fences, nor fell up
any timber
- but for necessary repaires, bring up my children, pay my debts bring up my children discharge my
- & bring my body decently to the grave And I make my loveing friends John Pierpoynt & Robert
- Tendre both of Awthropp in this County of Lyncoln, Supervisors of this my last will & testament,
- them two shillings six pence apeece, and if they or either of them shall be forced to enter upon my
two ?four and
- ?closs the 4 acres & the 3 acres of Pasture for my daughters legacy then my will is that they
shall give security
- [3] my executrix [2] her assignes <to> execut(e) & Administer for the discharge of the s(ai)d legacy of
thirty pounds or so
Will, Henry Brickle 1668 Classical Transcription continued/4
- thereof as shall come into their hands In witnesse whereof I Henry Brickle this 12 th day of
- have hereunto set my hand & seal Jeffery Gonvill Henry Brickle
- also subscribing sealing & delivery therof John Worts his mark & Seal
- his marke
- Probatim et al 6th day April An(n)o D(o)m(ini) 1668 Ludam
Lincoln, Lincolnshire Will 1668-185
Will, Henry Brickle of Sutterby, 12th October, 1668
- In the Name of God Amen I Henry Brickle of Sutterby in the
- County of Lincoln Yeoman being in health of body and perfect remembrance
- (blessed be God for it) do make this my Last Will and testament (here
- by revoking all other Wills and promises) in manner and form
- following. First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God
- hoping to be saved through the merits of Jesus Christ my only Saviour
- and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried according to
- the discretion of Dorothea my wife and my estate as follows
- Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth thirty pounds to be paid her when
- she shall attain to the full age of eighteen years, and then her receipt to be a full
- discharge for my executrix and my will is that my executrix shall put
- in or cause to be put in before her marriage sufficient bond or bonds or other such
- security or securities to my supervisors as they shall think fit & sufficient for the true
- discharge of the said legacy of thirty pounds to my said daughter bequethed and if not then my
- will is that my supervisors shall immediately enter upon my four acre close of
- pasture and my three acre close of pasture and to let use occupy and fully [2]
- to their own to enjoy the same (provided they nor none under them either plough them
- up, fell the timber or wilfully destroy the fences) till the said legacy of thirty
- pounds be fully discharged with all other taxes and charges whatsoever during the
- said tenure or time upon the said two closes imposed, and no longer Item I give
Will, Henry Brickle 1668 Translation continued/2
- also unto my said daughter one great oak chest, an oak press that we hang our
- clothes in, and an oak table in the parlour, and a seiled bedstead with a featherbed
- one feather bolster, two feather pillows, one pair of blankets, one coverlet, one pair
- of linen sheets, with one pair of linen pillowcases and my will is that if my said
- daughter Elizabeth shall depart this life before she shall attain to the full age of eighteen
- years, that then ten pounds of the said thirty to my daughter bequeathed shall be to my
- son Henry, and ten pounds to my son Hamond, to be paid them at their several
- ages of one & twenty, and all the remainder to Dorothea my wife, and my will is that
- if either of my sons shall depart this life before they shall attain to the full age of
- one & twenty years, then this his said legacy to be unto him by the death of his said
- sister to be and remain to the longer survivor of them.
- Item I give my house, lands, pasture & arable and all outhouses, commons profits with
- all appertenances to them or any of them belonging, lying and being within the town [2]
- and precincts of Sutterby to my son Henry & his heirs for ever after the death of
- Dorothea my wife, conditionally that she pay or cause to be paid unto my son
- Hamond his executors, administrators or assigns the sum of fifty pounds one whole
- year after the decease of my said wife if she shall live till they attain their full
- ages of one & twenty, and if she die before, then my will is my son Henry shall pay
- the said sum of fifty pounds to my son Hamond when the said Hamond shall attain
- unto the full age of one & twenty years, and ……………………. All the said houses and
- lands afore specified for the true & faithful discharge thereof Item I give unto John
Will, Henry Brickle 1668 Translation continued/3
- Nicholson of Horncastle my kinsman two shillings and six pence Item all the residue of my
- goods and chatels undisposed I give them wholly unto Dorothea my wyfe whom I make my sole
executrix of this my
- last will and testament, and I give her also my house & all my lands, pasture & arable lying &
being in
- Sutterby & the precincts thereof with all the commons, profits commodities and appertenances
to them belonging during
- the term of her natural life, provided she put in bond to my supervisors to keep my said
houses and outhouses in
- sufficient repairs, not to plough up any of my pasture ground, nor abuse my fences, nor fell up
any timber
- but for necessary repairs, bring up my children, pay my debts discharge my
- & bring my body decently to the grave and I make my loving friends John Pierpoynt & Robert
- Tendre both of Authorp in this County of Lincoln, Supervisors of this my last will & testament,
- them two shillings six pence apiece, and if they or either of them shall be forced to enter upon my
two ……. and
- ?closes the 4 acres & the 3 acres of Pasture for my daughters legacy then my will is that they
shall give ?security
- [3] my executrix [2] her assignes ………..& Administer for the discharge of the said legacy of
thirty pounds ?also
Will, Henry Brickle 1668 Translation continued/4
- thereof as shall come into their hands In witness whereof I Henry Brickle this 12th day of
- have hereunto set my hand & seal Jeffery Gonvill Henry Brickle
- ……..subscribing sealing & delivery thereof John Worts his mark & Seal
- his marke
- Probatim et al 6th day April Anno Domini 1668 Louth
[2] Illegible deletions [3] Illegible