1679 MAYRE Ellineor Will 1680-i-196
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Lincoln, Lincolnshire Will 1680-i-196
Will, Ellineor Mayre of Sutterby, 6th December 1679
Classical Transcription
- In the name of god Amen this sixth day of december
- 1679 accordin to the computation of the Church of Ingland
- I Ellineor mayre of Sutterby in the Coun(ty) of Lincol(n)
- widd(ow) beingof pirfect memory & remembrance prase
- Bee god do make & ordaine this my last will &
- Testament in manner & forme following viz
- first i bequeath my soule onto the handes ofalmity
- God my maker [2] hoping th(a)t through the meritorius
- death & passion of Jesus Christ my only savier
- & redeemeor to receve free pardon for my sines
- & as for my body to bee buried in cristian buri[1]
- at the discression of my Execu(tor) heareafter
- mentioned
- Imp(rimis) I give to my sun John Andrew five shillings & my greate Bible
- & to John Andrew Junior & Ellin Andrew tenn shillinges a peece
- & to Elling Andrew one puter dish to Elesebeth Brickle towshill[1]<g>
- six pence to Haman Brickle tow shillinges & to Henry Brickle tow
- shillinges
- Item To Susana watson one table in the Chambor & one formein the sam[1]
- place & tow puter dishis & one searge coote & one blew coote
- one husif cloth aparne one la<u>ne hankertior & one pare of sleef [1]
- & one neckcloth suttable alike one touill & one Cussion & to Ellin
- watson & Ann watson tenn shillinges apeece
- Item To Saray Jacklin one stamill petticoote one searge pareof
Will, Ellineor Mayre 1679. Classical Transcription continued/2
- Bodis tow hankertiors one holland one skothcloth & tow neckclothes
- one aporne & one touill & one cussion & the bigist puterdish in the
- hall & to Saray Jackling the younger & frances Jackling each of them
- tenn shellinges apeece to be paide Eighteyears after my dece[3]
- all the legaces th(a)t I give to my granchildren as above s(ai)d & to
- Elesebeth Jacklin tenn shillinges if shee live above the age of three
- yeares if not to retorne to my Exece(tor) againe
- Item To my douter mary moody all my workalday apparill & tenn shilli<nges>
- & tenn shillinges to her sun Edward moody [1]ge to her
- doughter mary moody & one Candlestic[1]
- Item I give to the poor of sutterby five shilli[1] disposall
- of my Execu(tor)
- Item I give to Richard Sibsey tow [1] -g-s the ….est of my legac<3>
- [2] shall be paide shall bee twelf [1] [3] eceas
- Item I give to will(iam) watson one shilling & to my sun John Jacklin
- Twelfepence
- All the reste of my good & Chattiles I give to my trusty & well
- Beloved sun John mayre Junior wohme I make sole
- Executor of this my last will & testament witness my
- hand & seale
- her
- Richard Sibsey Ellineor X mayre
- Will Edwards [3]
- marke
- Probatim et al Horncastle 5th May 1680
[1] Hole in paper [3] illegible
Lincoln, Lincolnshire Will 1680-i-196
Will, Ellineor Mayre of Sutterby, 6th December 1679
- In the name of God amen this sixth day of December
- 1679 according to the computation of the Church of England
- I Ellineor Mayre of Sutterby in the county of Lincoln
- widow being of perfect memory & remembrance praise
- be God do make & ordain this my last will &
- Testament in manner & form following viz
- first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty
- God my maker [2] hoping that through the meritorious
- death & passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour
- & redeemer to receive free pardon for my sins
- & as for my body to be buried in Christian buri[1]
- at the discretion of my Executor hereafter
- mentioned
- Firstly I give to my son John Andrew five shillings & my great Bible
- & to John Andrew Junior & Ellin Andrew ten shillings apiece
- & to Elling Andrew one pewter dish to Elesebeth Brickle two shillings
- six pence to Haman Brickle two shillings & to Henry Brickle two
- shillings
- Item To Susana Watson one table in the Chamber & one form in the same
- place & two pewter dishes & one serge coat & one blue coat
- one husif cloth apron one lawn handkerchief & one pare of sleef[1]
- & one neckcloth suitable alike one towel & one cushion and to Ellin
- Watson & Ann Watson ten shillings apiece
- Item To Saray Jacklin one stamill pettycoat one serge pair of
Will, Ellineor Mayre 1679. Translation continued/2
- bodices two handkerchiefs one holland and one skothcloth and two neckclothes
- one apron & one towel & one cushion & the biggest pewter dish in the
- hall & to Saray Jackling the younger & Frances Jackling each of them
- ten shillings apiece to be paid eight years after my dece[3]
- all the legaces that I give to my grandchildren as above said & to
- Elesebeth Jacklin ten shillings if she lives above the age of three
- years if not to return to my Executor again
- Item To my daughter Mary Moody all my workaday apparel & ten shillings
- & ten shillings to her son Edward Mody [1]ge to her
- daughter Mary Moody & one Cadlesti[1]
- Item I give to the poor of Sutterby five shilli[1] disposal
- of my Executor
- Item I give to Richard Sibsey two [1]-g-s the ….est of my legac[1]
- shall be paid shall be twelv[1] [3] eceas
- Item I give to William Watson one shilling & to my son John Jacklin
- Twelve pence.
- All the rest of my goods & chattels I give to my trusty & well
- beloved son John Mayre Junior whom I make sole
- Executor of this my last will & testament witness my
- hand & seal
- her
- Richard Sibsey Ellineor X Mayre
- Will Edwards
- mark
- Probatim et al Horncastle 5th May 1680
[1] Hole in paper
[3] illegible