1706 EDWARDS Alice Wills 1706/56
Summary of Archival Record for: Alice Edwards
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Document Information
Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire LCC Wills 1706/56
Document Type: Will
Parish: Sutterby
Document Subject: Alice Edwards
Date of Document: 1706
Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)
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Lincoln, Lincolnshire LCC Wills 1706/56
Will, Alice Edwards of Sutterby, 2nd March 1706
Classical Transcription
- March the 2 17067
- In the name of God amen I Alce Edwards of Sutterby
- in the County of Lincoln widow do make and ordain this my
- Last will and testiment in maner following first I bequeath
- my Soul into the hand of all mighty god my hevenly father
- in hopes of Risurrection to Etarnell Life throw the meritorious
- deth and passhon of thy Son our Saiovre Jesus Christ [2] my only
- Saiovre and Redeemer and as for this temprel Estate which it
- hath pleased god to bestow upon me I give and bequeath in man[1]
- following Itam I give to Thomas Watson the sum of seven pound
- which is in the hand of John hurd of hastrowp in the said County
- Itam I give to the said thomas Watson the sum of five pound which
- is in his fathers hand Itam I give to John Watson [2] Juner the
- sum of seven pound <which is in hurds hand> Itam I give to the said John Watson
- the sum of five pound which is in the hand of his father
- Itam I give to [2] my sister mary one white Apern all the Rest of
- my goods I give to John Watson sener making him hole and sole
- Exsectitour of this my Last will and testiment as for my
- funerel [2] the Rest of my mony that is in the said hurds hand
- I would have bestowed at the discreson of my Exsectiour to be
- decently buered in witnes here of I have here unto set my
- hand and sealle the day and date a bove [2] writen
- witnesis
- her her
- Elizabeth maidens Alce Edwards
- mark mark HER
- her SEAL
- mary Atkinson
- mark
- Mary Clowes
- Probatim et al 1706
[1] Hole in papeer
[2] Illegible deletion
Lincoln, Lincolnshire LCC Wills 1706/56
Will, Alice Edwards of Sutterby, 2nd March 1706
- March the 2nd 17067
- In the name of God amen I Alce Edwards of Sutterby
- in the County of Lincoln widow do make and ordain this my
- last will and testament in manner following first I bequeath
- my soul into the hand of almighty God my Heavenly Father
- in hopes of resurrection to eternal life through the meritorious
- death and passion of thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ my only
- saviour and redeemer and as for this temporal estate which it
- has pleased God to bestow upon me I give and bequeath in man[1]
- following Item I give to Thomas Watson the sum of seven pounds
- which is in the hand of John Hurd of Hasthorpe in the said County
- Item I give to the said Thomas Watson the sum of five pounds which
- is in his father’s hand Item I give to John Watson Junior the
- sum of seven pounds <which is in Hurd’s hand> Item I give to the said John Watson
- the sum of five pounds which is in the hand of his father
- Item I give to my sister Mary one white apron all the rest of
- my goods I give to John Watson senior making him whole and sole
- Executor of this my last will and testament as for my
- funeral the rest of my money that is in the said Hurd’s hand
- I would have bestowed at the discretion of my Executor to be
- decently buried in witness hereof I have hereunto set my
- hand and seal the day and date above written
- witnesses
- her her
- Elizabeth maidens Alce Edwards
- mark mark HER
- her SEAL
- mary Atkinson
- mark
- Mary Clowes
- Probatim et al 1706
[1] Hole in paper
[2] Illegible deletion