Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

Spirit of Sutterby

Community Heritage Project

1708 LOWRY George Wills 1708/138

Summary of Archival Record for: George Lowry

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Document Information

Archive Reference: Lincoln, Lincolnshire LCC Wills 1708/138
Document Type: Will
Parish: Sutterby
Document Subject: George Lowry
Date of Document: 1705

Classical Transcription and Translation (not searchable)

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Lincoln, Lincolnshire LCC Wills 1708/138

Will, George Lowry of Sutterby, February 23rd 1708

Classical Transcription

  1. Feb the 23th i7089
  2. In The name of God Amen I George
  3. Lowry of Sutteby in the County of Lincoln
  4. Being sick of Bodey but in perfect Memory
  5. Blessed be God for it do Make and ordaine This
  6. My Last Will & Tesament in Maner and forme
  7. following
  8. Imp(rimis) I do Bequeath my Soule unto Almighty God
  9. Hoping Through The Merits of Jesus Christ to obtaine
  10. A happey Resurrection and my Bodey to be Buried
  11. At The discretion of my Executors
  12. Item I give unto Mary Makins: Jane Makins Hannah Makins
  13. Naomy Makins to Each one of them twenty pounds
  14. Apeec to be paid them as they Acomplish the age of one
  15. And twenty years
  16. Item I Give unto Edward Makins The Son of Edward Makin<s>
  17. And Elizabeth all my Lands to Enter when he acomplishs
  18. The age of one and twenty <years> & further my will is that
  19. The Said Ed: Makins Shall Give the thirds of his Lands
  20. To his Said father and Mother or to Each of them During
  21. Their naturall Life if they stand need there of
  22. Item I Make my Son in Law Edward Makins my whole & Sole

Will, 1708/138 Classical Transcription, continued/2

  1. Exetour & to have the Rents of my Lands till his Son
  2. Ed Makins a fore said acomplish the age of one & twenty
  3. But if he dies before he acomplishs the said age it shall then
  4. be Equally divided <among> the four Sisters be fore mentioned or
  5. If that any of them <die> be fore they ataine the age of one
  6. And twenty years their portions shall be Equally Divided
  7. Among the Rest of them.
  8. And further <my> will is that my Son in Law <Ed Makins>             shall pay out of
  9. The Rent of the Land During the time that he hath it the
  10. said Twenty pounds apeece to his Daughters Mary Makins
  11. Jane Makins Hannah Makins Naomy Makins
  12. And I apoint My Son in Law Ed Makins
  13. And I Apoint My Sonn in Law Edward Makins
  14. Supervizer and to See that this My will be perfor[1]
  15. Signe And deliverd
  16. in the presance of us
  17. his mark            HIS
  18. George Lowry        SEAL
  19. Richard Kent
  20. Robert Rimingtun
  21. Ann Smith
  22. Probatim et al 22o March 1708 Lincoln

[1] Hole in Paper [2] Illegible Deletion

Lincoln, Lincolnshire LCC Wills 1708/138

Will, George Lowry of Sutterby, February 23rd 1708


  1. Feb the 23rd 17089
  2. In the name of God Amen I George
  3. Lowry of Sutterby in the County of Lincoln
  4. being sick of body but in perfect memory
  5. blessed be God for it do make and ordain this
  6. my last will & testament in manner and form
  7. following
  8. Firstly I do bequeath my soul unto Almighty God
  9. hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ to obtain
  10. a happy resurrection and my body to be buried
  11. at the discretion of my Executors
  12. Item I give unto Mary Makins: Jane Makins Hannah Makins
  13. Naomy Makins to each one of them twenty pounds
  14. apiece to be paid them as they accomplish the age of one
  15. and twenty years
  16. Item I give unto Edward Makins the son of Edward Makin<s>
  17. and Elizabeth all my Lands to enter when he accomplishes
  18. the age of one and twenty <years> & further my will is that
  19. the said Ed: Makins shall give the thirds of his Lands
  20. to his said father and mother or to each of them during
  21. their natural life if they stand need thereof
  22. Item I make my son-in-law Edward Makins my whole & sole

Will, 1708/138 Translation, continued/2

  1. Executor & to have the rents of my Lands until his son
  2. Ed Makins aforesaid accomplish the age of one & twenty
  3. but if he dies before he accomplishes the said age it shall then
  4. be equally divided <among> the four sisters before mentioned or
  5. if that any of them <die> before they attain the age of one
  6. and twenty years their portions shall be equally divided
  7. among the rest of them.
  8. and further <my> will is that my son in Law <Ed Makins>             shall pay out of
  9. the rent of the Land during the time that he has it the
  10. said twenty pounds apiece to his daughters Mary Makins
  11. Jane Makins Hannah Makins Naomy Makins
  12. And I apoint My son in Law Ed Makins
  13. and I appoint my son in law Edward Makins
  14. supervisor and to see that this my will be perfor[1]
  15. signed and delivered
  16. in the presence of us
  17. his mark            HIS
  18. George Lowry        SEAL
  19. Richard Kent
  20. Robert Rimingtun
  21. Ann Smith
  22. Probatim et al 22o March 1708 Lincoln

[1] Hole in Paper [2] Illegible Deletion