Portable Antiquities Scheme – Dr Lisa Brundle

Last night (10th April 2024) we had a very interesting and enjoyable talk by Dr Lisa Brundle, Lincolnshire Field Officer for the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

In her honour The Firsby Artisan Baker had excelled himself with 2 wonderful cakes decorated as mediaeval artifacts, which Lisa cut and we ate during the break in the talk.

Lisa talked about the Portable Antiquities Scheme, how it works, what is does and where to find details of it. Its purpose is to gather a record of “finds” large and small, turned up by the public when metal detecting, fieldwalking, walking the dog or digging in the garden, which will give clearer picture of our past history. Her talk was well illustrated with facts and some of the local finds.

The owls that were made in back February at Swaby Village Hall in the Owl workshop, have now been fired in a kiln and were on display this evening and available to be collected.


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